Our customers often want to know the exact processes we go through when we install or refinish their flooring.
Our Hardwood Flooring Estimate Process
To start, we meet at the location of the work to be done. If you already know what type of flooring you want, we get straight to measuring the work area. If you are unsure and would like to simply sit down and discuss your options, we're happy to help you better understand the process and the many different possibilities and choices you have with wood flooring.
The wood flooring itself is typically delivered to the job site approximately one week in advance of the agreed upon start date so the wood flooring can become acclimated to your area.
Upon inspection and approval by both the customer and a representative of J & J Wood Floors (usually Joe, the owner) payment for material will be collected.
Our Hardwood Flooring Installation Process:
On the morning of the start date, our crew will arrive with smiles on their faces and begin work. First, the work area will be sealed off with plastic, including any furniture you request. Next, any issues with the sub-floor will be addressed and all door casings will be cut to the exact height of the wood floor.
With the area properly prepared, now the actual installation can begin. A vapor barrier is first rolled out on the sub-floor. The vapor barrier is protection from humidity fluctuations that occur in the crawl space underneath the house or from your cement slab. Subsequently, the wood starts to go down in the predetermined direction of grain. When the installation is complete, if your floor is pre-finished (meaning it comes from the factory with the finish already applied and there is no sanding involved) it is detailed with filler putty and all required transition pieces are installed.
At this point, the wood floor area is ready for baseboard. We're happy install baseboards upon your request.
Sanding Your Hardwood Flooring
To begin, the stain color is discussed. If the customer has a color in mind we will make up a sample that best matches their color preference using our stain products. In the event that you are unsure what color they want, we will point them in the right direction with helpful tips and general rules of thumb that apply to interior color matching.
Once sanding begins, the customer and all other tradesmen on the job site should be prepared to vacate the wood floor area until the floor is sealed. We sand at a rate of about 300-400 square feet per day.(1000 sq.ft. = aprox. 3 days to sand and seal). Upon completing the sanding process, we'll seal the floor and it will need at least eight hours to dry.
Sealing Your Hardwood Flooring
During the sanding process all cracks, chips, and nail holes will be filled. After the sealer has dried, the floor will feel a little rough.This roughness will be buffed out when the final coats of finish are applied. After the sealer has dried, any additional work to be done in the wood floor area can be completed. For example, installation of baseboard, finish plumbing or electrical, touch up painting, etc. There are three coats of finish typically applied, in addition to the stain. The final two coats can be done any time after the sealer has been allowed to dry. By waiting until all work in the floor area is complete to apply the last coats of finish, damage to the final product is avoided.
On the day of the final coat, the floor will be lightly sanded with a buffing machine to abrade the surface of the sealer so the final coat will adhere and also to further smooth out the floor. The floor will again be detailed to fill all remaining voids that may still be present. After the floor has been vacuumed and cleaned, the first of two final coats of finish is applied. Either water based or oil based finish will be used (predetermined at the onset of the job).
If water based finish, the first coat will be dry in a few hours and the floor will be ready for the last coat. A few hours later, the floor will be ready for light traffic (in stocking feet).If an oil based finish is used, each coat requires 12-24 hours to dry. This usually means an extra day to complete the project. Further, if oil finish is used, the floor may not be walked on for at least 24 hours after the last coat.
So that’s a wood floor job in a nut shell. I hope this has been informative and we look forward to working with you.
Why Choose J & J Wood Floors For Your Flooring Services?
We know you have dozens of choices when it comes to hiring a flooring company. Here's what makes us different.
#1. We're a family owned and operated local company. We care about our community, we are passionate about wood flooring, and we care about our reputation for excellent workmanship, customer service, and reliability.
#2. We have a 5.0 star rating on Google showing that we consistently exceed our clients expectations.
#3. We are your local wood flooring experts. Whether you're looking for refinishing, restoration, or a new installation, you can count on the J & J Wood Floors team to provide you with excellent advice, and complete our projects to the highest of standards. You simply cannot beat our expertise!
#4. Our pricing is competitive and we always go the extra mile. Our pricing is very competitive and we always go the extra mile to ensure you are 110% happy with the flooring work we've completed for you. Our 20+ years in business is a testament to our commitment that we make to our clients.
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